No More Worries. Semalt Expert Knows How To Fight Bot Traffic Using Google Analytics

Clear reports and data depict a lot when it comes to online marketing. Obtaining data and statistics free from unwanted traffic, bot traffic, and malware implies the skills and professionalism used to maintain a website. For the last few weeks, B2B businesses and small organizations have been facing the challenge of excluding bot traffic and internal traffic from their reports.
Luckily, Google Analytics has come to their rescue after introducing effective filtering techniques that use variables and users information to exclude unwanted traffic from known bots and spiders. The presence of the Trojan virus, malware, and bot traffic skews end users data available in the Google Analytics in a very big way.
The Customer Success Manager of Semalt, Andrew Dyhan, describes here why differentiating real traffic from bot and internal traffic is very important when it comes to online marketing.

Impact of Bots and Spiders on Your Statistics
Recently, Google made a vital update to the Google Analytics. The update makes it simple for marketers to exclude spiders and bots from your reports and statistics. Availability of internal and bot traffic adversely affects your data present in the web spiders and search engines.
Google works to filter out malware registry files, Trojan virus, known bots, and spiders. Unfortunately, other forms of traffic generated by malicious opportunists get to affect your site. The internal traffic, bot, and spiders represent more than a third of the internet traffic. Before excluding traffic from your site, consider checking the hostname of the traffic to avoid excluding real traffic.
The Take of IAB on Bots and Spiders
Interactive Advertising Bureau, an international corporation that empowers marketing industries to thrive in the industry, has also been advocating for the need of blocking bots and spiders from real traffic. The bureau comprises of the 'International Spiders and Bots List', a list that highlights all forms and kinds of bots and spiders affecting real traffic in the marketing industry. For your list to work effectively, you have to update it monthly

Annually, marketers and online business owners pay an average fee of $7,000. The fee varies depending on whether a client is subscribed to the IAB membership. After subscribing to IAB, Google Analytics starts filtering your reports and data by making comprehensive comparisons of known bots and spiders and your website hits. Before the introduction of this update by the Google, firms, and organizations has been making manual filtering, here some of the known bots and spiders manage to get access to your data and reports.
To exclude known bots and spiders from your traffic, open your 'Reporting View Settings' and enable your tool to start. Scroll through the displayed options up to the bottom page, and enable bot filtering. Depending on the domain of your website, your traffic numbers start dropping to a more realistic number. Even if the number may comprise of fake traffic such as the internal traffic, known bots and spiders traffic will be excluded from your statistics. The success of your online business is determined by the efforts committed to achieving your goals. Subscribe to the IAB membership and exclude known spiders and bots affecting your report.